Earn free mobile recharge from Way2SMS!

Earn free mobile recharge from Way2SMS!

Tricksreview had posted about a bunch of free recharge opportunities in the past including the recent mobikwik free mobile recharge offer, free recharge from Amulyammail where you receive recharge for reading advertisement mails, free recharge from freekaamaal.com where on posting freebies you get tons of gifts and free mobile recharge etc. All of these ways require you to work hard over getting free recharge or wait for a long time. I personally dislike it when for every e mail I read I get only .25 paise.

earn free mobile recharge

So here's the solution way2sms.com. No I am not getting any refferal points for pointing you to this site, its genuine as far as I see it. Way2sms was uptill now used to send smses for free and we can still do that, but the site has expanded into giving free mobilerecharge. Yeah, you are thinking right, you'll not get free recharge for free. There's a little bit of work to be done. But it is of the best business advertising models of earningrecharge I have ever witnessed.


1. The first way is earning by sharing which is nothing but configuring your social networking accounts like linked in, facebook and twitter to way2sms and then sharing two ads as posts on these sites. After selecting one ad the other can be selected after 2 hours. You can't share it more than once in a day and once your friends or visitors to your profile click on the ads posted you get some amount which accumulates over time and gets converted into free recharge. Ads can be selected according to your choice from a list of them available on the site. Some choices which I got are gifting cards, sunglasses, deals and coupons etc. No heavy work,just post and wait.

2. The second method is earning by sending e mails. You have got e mail ads there out of which need to select one per day and send it to a maximum of 20 of your friends. I will tell you an example of such an e mail, it was of the title 'earn recharge from way2sms'. So send e mails to earn mobile recharge for free. Not only that, you can send free smses too from way2sms and also get notified via sms when a mail arrives.


Its very easy to get free recharge. Just go to www.way2sms.com and register if you haven't already done so. Then login and look for the earn recharge tab. Click on the tab and you'll be led to the page where you'll have options of earning free recharge by sharing or mailing. Minimum 10RS is required for recharge and almost all the telecom operators are supported. One of my friends earned rs 50 in just two days.

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